Saturday, December 12, 2009

Becoming unmuted

Last night I was at a home church run by an old friend.  He talked briefly about Zechariah, John's father and Jesus' uncle and his being driven mute by Gabriel for a lack of faith (John 1).  My friend warned of complacency muting our own example. and of not believing that our service to God was worth His involvement.
That actually hit home for me.  I was reminded as he talked of a book I wrote many years ago about marginal characters in the Gospel story.  I spent the better part of two years on the project and when I finished, I made a CD backup, filed it and promptly left it alone, never making the effort to publish it for a number of spoken reasons that seemed logical. The real reason that I thought it was unpublishable.
And so I've really thought nothing of it for almost a decade, until last night.
For a variety of reasons I have kept what God has given me under an upturned basket, sharing it only with a select few.  My friend's admonition have given me a new push to do something.  And with the wonders of social media, allowing so much crap to be published at no cost, I have no excuse.  So starting next week. I will serialize the book in this blog.  If it does anything for you, let me know.  If you think it could be appropriate for any of your friends, let them know and share the link.  It doesn't matter if you start at the beginning, middle or end.  Each chapter stands on its own.  Here's hoping that it meets you at the right time.

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