Friday, May 8, 2009

Self-inflicted wounds on the other side of the coin

Today we have report of a documentary outing Republican politicians as gay.  This is a great example of how shooting oneself in the foot is not limited to Christians and religious times.

The story says that there are conservative governors and legislators who live a secret gay lifestyle while opposing legislation proposed by the gay lobby (gay marriage being the primary topic).  The logic goes that if they are revealed as gay, then they have to change their position.


I know many gay people and for the most part, really enjoy their company.  Most support the gay agenda and they know that, for the most part, I don't.  We still enjoy our friendship.  I know, however, people in the gay community who do NOT agree with the entire agenda and gay marriage happens to be one of the things they don't agree with.  They do not speak up in their community because they are afraid of reprisals.  After all it's one thing for a conservative, straight evangelical like me to politely disagree with them, but not one of their own.

But what happens if one of these conservative politicians accepts the spotlight thrust on his lifestyle.... but does NOT change his position on the gay agenda.  That would have the affect of encouraging other members of the community to come forward.  What, then, is left of the monolithic image of the gay lobby?

Pride goes before a fall.  We ALL need to remember that.

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